The Institute
Institute for Small Business Internal Controls
What is an Institute and why the need to develop an Institute for Small Business Internal Controls?
Well, mainly because we’re tired. Tired of the consistent types of victimization of small businesses that we have experienced in our practice related to internal occupational fraud.
The noun form of the word “institute” is defined as “a society or organization for carrying on a particular work as of an educational character”. The verb form of the word is defined as “to bring into use or practice”.
The Mission
So, it is with both the noun and verb forms that the Institute for Small Business Internal Controls was formed...“to establish an organization with the specific educational purpose of training small businesses in bringing in to use or practice those internal controls / anti-fraud programs designed to prevent and/or detect internal occupational fraud”. This purpose IS our Mission Statement.
Accomplishing the Mission
To accomplish this mission, the Institute offers:
Group seminars focusing on internal control design for fraud prevention and detection
Private one-on-one Organization-Wide training tailored to your specific needs
On-site Internal Control / Anti-Fraud Program Design Engagements focused on the development of internal control recommendations and implementation assistance related to those recommended internal controls
Periodic Internal Control Monitoring Services designed to monitor existing internal controls for efficiency and effectiveness
For information regarding these services, please contact us at or call us at 806-368-5779. To contact Dawson directly by email use We will be happy to provide a free consultation about your specific level of service needs.